Wednesday, November 7, 2012

BDSM Beats and Babes

"deff the craziest outfit i saw at ultra fest. a robot on stilts with two girls attached by chains and leading them was a guy with a fake machine gun. matrix/alien shittttt. crazy — with Spyda Rico at Bicentennial Park."

This was the first fan email in-thank you for the support!

Mascarave ball

higher HIGHER HIGHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deep Throating the laser beams

Mermaid Raver

Chris Lake says, "Fuck you."


Ravers need to make money too...

Kitty Bounce

Pacman Guido Ravers

live for it

Eat my heart out

Moostach Movement


Who needs a light show?

LED Monster..literally

jam sess

Wiggers wanna Jam too

American Babys

fairy king

Halloween at Paul Van Dyk

Khaleesi and her dragon

Loved this costume at pvd. at first i thought she was a hippy walking around with gumby.

PVD deffinetly did a fabulous job at Mixx for Halloween this past weekend.
Known for being pretty trancy in the EDM scene, pvd suprised us by playing lots of house for the ac crowd. don't get me wrong he had his trance beats, but, he did an amazing job at pleasing the costume-filled crowd.

the man on the stilts won $2,500 for his costume, and a random dallas cow-girl won 2nd prize-i have no idea how

Hippy lovin

Hippy Lovin

This raver knows how to shake ha' ass, sport in her flawy grey boots with a light-up stick..she didn't stop movie to PVD

JackieBuhl and Chris Lake Spin'n together in Philly

JackieBuhl and Chris Lake Spin'n together in Philly

Amazing job killed it!..but that is nothing new.

Climbing up a DJ booth

Climbing up a DJ booth

Talk about being direct. This little raver is actually climbing into a DJ booth. I know Chris Lake is great..but DAMNNN!
Plus, I think she is actually using her friend as a step stool. BAHAHAHA, ravers gunna rave. Haters gunna hate

"JackieBuhl Face"

"JackieBuhl Face"

Rule #12 have a signature festival picture face

..This is JackieBuhl AKA Americas next best DJ. Support him on Facebook and Twitter. He has opened for Pretty Lights and closed for Chris Lake.

But, regardless..this face is priceless

Lions, Giraffes Squids OH MY

Lions, Giraffes Squids OH MY

Creatures all over

I Want it in my FACE!!

I Want it in my FACE!!

This slut loving Aoki fan...aka caked in the face at EZOO this year.

Note: Holding up a sign for Steve, telling him to put his cream filled cake in your face..will most likely lead to get a facial infront of thousands of people.

...It was worth every second. (Thanks Glenn)


Mascot #2 Sharky

Squid hats, tu tu's, overalls and candy up your arm. We look like a bunch or kindergardeners who raided the arts and crafts bin.

EZOO 2012

Silly bitch

Silly bitch #1 - Me

Let me introduce Dirty Sanchez. He was the pirate at EDC NJ. You probably saw a bunch of morons, aka my 'rave fam' holding him all three days. Rule #51 of going to festivals..carry a mascot. When you loose your can always find them if you have a giant creature...even tho there are many of those at music festivals.

(This website is intended for fun, make fun of you and your friends by submitting People at the Festivals...get a laugh and help others laugh. Or email me about upcoming shows you are going to, or ones you went to, and I will put it on the blog in the fan section)

Peace . <3 . Unity . Respect

...respect even tho we are posting hilarious pics and having a nice laugh.